Our Impact Campaign:
Register now and #HaveTheChat with your loved ones.
To achieve the change that Australia needs, we’re depending on your support. We need active engagement and communications boosts from enthusiastic audiences, leading corporates, brands, schools / universities, sport and recreation groups, faith leaders, not-for-profits, healthcare providers, and individuals who care about this issue. To discuss how you or your group / business / organisation can get involved with this transformative social initiative, please contact us. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
An Australia in which the need for organs and tissues is met, due to a sufficient number of registered donors.
An Australia in which Dying to Live helps to raise awareness and motivate the community & key stakeholders to:
make a donation decision,
sign on to the Australian Organ Donor Register
and discuss their decision with their families.
Motivate the maximum number of Australians to sign on to the official organ donor register and to #havethechat with their families.
Communicate the fact that your registration status is not on your driver’s licence; you have to register online.
Advocate for capacity-building in healthcare, so that costs and resourcing are never a barrier to a transplant going ahead.
Inspire healthier conversations about death and life.
We're calling on all Australians to sign the Organ Donation Register and discuss their wishes with their family.

Dying To Live director Richard Todd and advertisement director
Rich Bullock with actors in our impact ad, produced by Revolver.
Devoted father Allan Turner, director of an advocacy foundation established in memory of his organ-donor daughter, Zaidee
Organ donation is the ultimate life-and-death issue, relevant to everyone, everywhere. The Dying to Live team would like to extend our thanks to philanthropic support through Good Pitch2 Australia, the Shark Island Institute and the Documentary Australia Foundation, the filmmakers are collaborating with a coalition of government agencies (the Organ and Tissue Authority, Donate Life); community organisations (The Groundswell Project, RACV, the Foundation for Young Australians); strategic communicators (Embrace Society, Revolver); healthcare experts, sporting groups (Rugby Union Players' Association and the Zaidee Foundation) and many more.